Social Media

Best Times to Post on Social Media 2022

Find the best time to post on social media for your business.
Justin Knepper

Knowing when the best time to post on social media can be overwhelming and difficult to keep track of. In this article, we'll go through the best times to post on social media both in general and what you can expect from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

An important thing to note is even though knowing when a specific time is a good time for a certain site it doesn't necessarily mean it's the perfect time for your specific business or industry. The best way to find out what time works best for you is just testing! Whether you're trying different times on one network or one type of post on multiple networks. With that being said, let's get started!

Best Times to Post on Facebook in 2022

Approximately 1.91 billion people log onto Facebook daily, so it's easy to see why knowing specific times your target audience is browsing and scrolling can be great for increasing engagement!

Facebook works by splitting people into three categories:

When you think about your specific industry or your target market, it's a good idea to know which group they fall under. This will make it easier for you to find out what times will work best for them to maximize engagement, ad clicks, or whatever performance markers (call to action) you're after.

The best time to post on Facebook is 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

When you're trying different times out, try once an hour from morning until night. This will help you see the best times to post on Facebook for your target audience.

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn in 2022

It's best to post when professional users are most likely online. LinkedIn has over 800 million users from all around the world, so knowing what time your target market is browsing the site could be a great way to increase engagement!

LinkedIn works by splitting people into three categories:

The ideal time to post on LinkedIn is 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Again, when you're trying different times out, try once an hour from morning until night. This will help you see which group of users will work best for you.

Best Times to Post on Twitter in 2022

n general, it's best to post when your target audience is most likely browsing Twitter. The best way to see what time your specific industry or market will be online is by trying one post at different times throughout an hour and seeing which garners the most impressions, favorites, retweets, and replies.

Twitter works by splitting people into four categories:

The best time to post on Twitter is 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays.

Try posting on Twitter once an hour from morning until night. This will help you see the best times for your target audience, and each individual person's schedule varies so it may take some trial-and-error before finding what works!

Best Time to Post on Pinterest in 2022

Like the other networks, you can test once an hour from morning until night and see what times work the best for your specific audience.

Pinterest works by splitting people into six categories:

The best times to post on Pinterest are 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Again, try once an hour from morning until night. This will help you get a feel of the best times for posting on Pinterest for your target audience.

Best Times to Post on Instagram in 2022

In general, it's best to post before work and after work. One thing to keep in mind with Instagram is that people browse the site differently than they do other social networks. They tend to spend more time liking and commenting on posts.

The best times to post on Instagram across industries are 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The key is that users will browse for a longer period of time so you'll want to make sure your content is top quality!

The best way to figure out what times will work best for you is by testing different days and times. You can even try posting multiple times throughout the day or once an hour, like we did with other networks! This will give you a feel for the best times for posting on Instagram for your target audience.

What to Do Next

As you can see, there is no one right way for when to post on each network.

To get you started, the best time to post to social media overall is 10AM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

What works best for your specific audience will depend on who they are and what the demographics of the platform look like.

It's a good idea to keep all of this in mind when you're creating content and planning out your social media strategy. Knowing what times will work best for different target audiences is a great place to start!

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Justin Knepper